
We are excited to provide students with unparalleled learning opportunities in Australia’s tropical paradise and traverse one of the most spectacular and diverse tropical ecosystems on the planet. Students will immerse themselves in lush tropical forests adorned with exotic plants and wildlife and snorkel the Great Barrier Reef’s spectacular coral decorated with colorful fish with a focused curriculum on the intertwined interdependency of these two ecosystems.

The dynamism and diversity of the exceptionally rich ecosystems of Tropical North Queensland are intimately tied to their human history and present-day use. As the world’s oldest surviving culture, the Australian Aboriginal people have long interacted with these land and seascapes. However, the ability to continue to steward the land has been severed through colonization and the ensuing development of mining, forestry, agriculture, fishing and tourism industries.

All these factors have resulted in an ecologically and culturally fragmented landscape that faces persistent environmental pressures. The threat of human-induced climate change, with increasing global temperatures and levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide resulting in higher frequencies of destructive disturbance events such as cyclones and mass coral bleaching, are among the issues facing this area. In recent decades, a conservation consciousness has taken hold, leading to a range of responses in the form of innovative scientific research, management measures, protected area designation, stakeholder collaborations, and indigenous initiatives which seek to preserve the rich values of the area. However, with current political uncertainty, powerful industry pressure, and the threat of global climate change, efforts to maintain this extraordinary place must remain strong.

Students will gain skills in rainforest ecology, methods of field data collection, invertebrate biology, and marine research and field techniques. Via readings and discussions, students will understand the unique physical and biological features that make Far North Queensland exceptional. On this program, our team will get be introduced to the Wet Tropics and Great Barrier Reef from a stay on Fitzroy Island, then experience terrestrial tropical field ecology, and most likely conclude with a week or so on the beautiful Orpheus Island where we will complete coral reef surveys and an independent research project. We will also extend our studies to include the Atherton Tablelands and its fascinating geology, crater lakes and amazing wildlife (hopefully platypus and tree kangaroos!); investigations of the completely different natural history of the drier savannah, dry rainforests, Crystal Caves and the ancient Undara Lava Tubes; and expand our time with local and Aboriginal cultures;


Background Information

We will explore national parks, reef islands, and conservation areas throughout tropical northern Queensland. Our program will focus on rainforest and coral reef ecology, natural and cultural history, ecology, conservation, and management of wildlands and wildlife. This program will provide team members with direct firsthand experience in several of Queensland’s unique ecosystems and the diversity of bird, mammal, fish, invertebrate, and plant species they harbor. Our group will study ecological research and conservation management from local scientists and conservationists through readings, discussions, and field research projects. Team members will conduct their own independent ecological studies to further develop their knowledge and experience of field research methods. Our ecological studies, which may include wildlife, plant and marine surveys, will coincide with cultural interactions where we will evaluate firsthand how various environmental issues, land-use practices and policies have shaped the landscape while we investigate the conservation research and action required to preserve the region’s environment.

As the world’s oldest surviving culture, with habitation of Australia dating back to at least 50,000 years, emphasis will be placed on understanding aspects of Aboriginal culture, traditions, perspectives, and land stewardship. In our field studies, we will attempt to see the salient social-ecological issues through their eyes, with introductions to Indigenous ecological knowledge and practices that are intimately tied to the land. We will come to understand the roots of current challenges faced by Indigenous Australians and where opportunities for the co-management of land and seascapes lie.

The combination of rich scientific and traditional ecological knowledge in this region of Australia makes it the perfect setting to immerse ourselves in field-based learning. From intact wilderness and World Heritage areas to landscapes with a legacy of agriculture and mining, we will research the challenges and successes of conservation in a nation struggling to maintain environmental protection in the face of sustained economic prosperity. We will encounter diverse perspectives from Aboriginal peoples, Park rangers, research scientists, land managers and industry persons, and seek to understand their role in the day-to-day stewardship of valuable natural resources and biological diversity. Through knowledge exchanges with experts and local communities and extended time studying wildlands, we will investigate how our field studies can support and benefit both ecology and society in a contemporary Australian context.


Program Goals and Activities

Through on-site field studies and research projects, participants will have unique learning opportunities to assess major opportunities and challenges affecting biodiversity conservation and sustainable communities in tropical Australia today.

Our program gives students the opportunity for hands-on investigations of the ecology and conservation of Queensland’s terrestrial and marine species and communities. The program will begin with an initial examination of the natural and cultural history and biogeography of Australia and, specifically, the dynamics of the tropical rainforest landscapes and marine ecosystems in Far North Queensland. We will then utilize this knowledge to delve deeper into the wild and spectacular places this area has to offer, discovering both the success stories and the persistent challenges and opportunities that are shaping future conservation in this region.

In order to study the area’s ecological diversity, we will base ourselves out of national parks, Indigenous lands, and on islands in the Great Barrier Reef marine protected area. We will hone our identification skills of the flora and fauna present in the areas we are studying. In addition, we will have readings that pertain to the area’s ecology and conservation research and management. Students will develop an integral understanding of the diverse perspectives available on conservation issues and the intricate balance among social-cultural heritage, economic growth and resource utilization while examining on-site ecological requirements necessary to sustain resilient ecosystems. 

On the program, as we improve our knowledge through experiential learning, we will implement various field study techniques, aimed at developing research methodologies that enable scientists to gather data that will aid community and management decision-making. We will work closely with local groups, such as Aboriginal rangers, conservation organizations, and scientists, and through presentations, lectures, and participation in field collection activities, we will gain an understanding from various perspectives of the scientific research and co-management culture in the Wet Tropics of north Queensland. We will spend about two-thirds of the program on the mainland and another third on islands of the Great Barrier Reef, the largest living system on the planet and a breathtakingly beautiful and diverse, yet heavily threatened, ecosystem.

Natural history of Queensland
What are the factors (climate, geology, soils, etc.) that create the unique ecosystems present in Queensland? What are the common, dominant, and endemic species present in these ecosystems? We will focus on the importance of careful observation and creating natural history records that are descriptive, quantitative, and reproducible.

Ecosystem and Species Conservation
What are some of the threatened species and habitats in Queensland? What is being done to conserve them?

Threats to Biodiversity with a Focus on Invasive and Non-native Species
What are some of the major threats to conservation and biodiversity in this area? What are some of the strategies used to tackle these threats? We will examine case studies of some of the most notorious non-native species and their effects on biodiversity.

Marine Ecosystem and Coral Reef Habitats
What makes the Great Barrier Reef System unique? What contributes to its biodiversity and productivity? What are the current threats (e.g., climate change, coastal development) and trade-offs between the role of ecotourism and industry? Where does current conservation research and management fit into the picture?

Management of Protected Areas and World Heritage Areas
What are the respective roles of National Parks, Marine Protected Areas and World Heritage Areas in Queensland conservation? How are they managed and is management effective at conserving their values? What are other conservation strategies that are being implemented in the area (such as those by Aboriginal Corporations)? What strategies seem to be working/not working and why?

Australian Peoples
What is the history of human settlement in Australia, from the time Aboriginal peoples settled the area to the arrival of Europeans? What are the different groups’ roles in conservation today and how did their roles come to be? What is unique about Australian culture? 

Social-Political Context
What are the implications of pro-industry policies implemented by the current State and National Governments on the Great Barrier Reef and other World Heritage Areas? How are these influencing public opinion? What are the ramifications for local, national and international communities?

By the end of the program, each student will have gained experiential knowledge of Australia’s natural and cultural history, and an enriched appreciation of conservation strategies to preserve its threatened ecosystems.

At the various locations described, we will set up camp and use it as a base to conduct our course activities, field studies, and interactions with local organizations. Please note that prior field research experience is not required. All necessary skills of data acquisition will be taught on-site in Australia. Our field studies will take place in the North American fall, Australia’s spring. We will take advantage of the cooler and drier weather at this time of year, i.e., by the standards of tropical Queensland. However, being the ‘Wet Tropics,’ rain downpours, while less frequent, can and will happen!


Academic Credit

Students will receive 15 quarter credits/10 semester credits from Western Washington University. Our staff will be happy to explain the program in further detail to the applicant’s advisor, if necessary. This field studies program gives credit in three courses: 

Environmental Wildlands Studies (5 quarter credits/3.35 semester credits)
Environmental Field Survey (5 quarter credits/3.35 semester credits)
Wildlands Environment and Culture (5 quarter credits/3.35 semester credits)

Students will be evaluated on the basis of: 1) active participation in all scheduled class and field activities; 2) examinations and quizzes; 3) field journals; 4) independent research papers/essays; and 5) the design, implementation, and presentation of a mini-group project.

Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner. Wildlands Studies reserves the right to require any student to withdraw from the program if their conduct is detrimental to or incompatible with the interests, safety, or welfare of any course participants. We ask all students to read the Student Program Manual before joining the program on-site.


Team Logistics

Participants will fly into Cairns, Australia and meet at the Cairns Airport. At the end of the program, you can decide whether you wish to fly home on the scheduled date or remain in Australia to do some exploring of your own before using the return portion of your ticket.

All reasonable efforts will be made to follow the activities outlined above. However, please understand that on our programs in Australia, travel arrangements can remain tentative until the traveling actually takes place. Weather conditions, road closures, as well as bureaucratic and cultural considerations may affect our plans. Wildlands Studies has put together an innovative, unique program in Queensland, and team members need to be flexible, patient, and prepared to adapt to unexpected situations. Being flexible also allows us to take advantage of unexpected yet welcome opportunities that inadvertently arise during our journeys, often producing some of the program’s most memorable moments.



Participants will be primarily camping with intermittent stays at backpacker hostels and research stations with shared dormitory accommodation.


Food is handled differently on each of our programs. Participants on this program will be responsible for purchasing and cooking most of their meals.  Occasional meals will be provided by Wildlands Studies as group meals. Participants will also be responsible for purchasing snacks. Detailed information about food management will be provided in the Logistics Packet. If you have dietary questions or concerns, please call our office.

Official Documents/Visa

You will need a current passport that does not expire until six months after the end of the program. All USA and Canadian students will also need to apply for an Australian Electronic Travel Authority, which is equivalent to a visa (good for 90 days of travel within Australia), before your departure. You can obtain information and apply for the visa online at:



This program is taught in English.


Pre-Program Logistics Packet

Detailed information regarding travel/flight information, equipment/gear requirements, food costs, meeting plans, group expenses payment, medical recommendations, and academic preparations will be sent to all team members in a logistics letter emailed about 10-12 weeks before the program initiates. Stay in good shape and get ready for an exciting program.